ⅠResidence Permit Support.
1.ResidencePermits for High-level Talents and Talents in Urgent Need. High-level technicaland management personnel needed in key areas and industries in Hainan,specialists in urgent need and members from sci-tech innovation teams can applyfor a long-term visa (within 5 years) or residence permit according to relevantregulations.
2.家政服务人员的居留许可。境外高层次人才聘雇外籍家政服务人员,提供担保和雇佣合同等材料可申请居留许可。2.Residencepermits for household service personnel. Foreign household service personnelhired by high-level foreign talents can apply for a residence permit withguarantee document, employment contract and other materials.
3.Residencepermits for technical personnel.Foreign technical personnel working in Hainanincluding chefs in high-end hotels, medical staff at Boao Lecheng InternationalMedical-Care and Tourist Demonstration Zone can apply for a residence permitwith a same duration as the duration of the work contract.
4.Residencepermits for international students. Foreign students who have obtained a master’sdegree or above in Chinese higher education institutions can apply for aresidence permit within 2 years with recommendation from the institutions theystudy in, given that they run innovative or start-up businesses in Hainan.
5.患者及陪护家属的居留许可。患者及陪护家属凭海南医疗机构出具的医疗服务等证明,可申请与医疗服务期限一致的签证或居留许可。5.Residencepermits for patients and accompanying family members. Patients and theiraccompanying family members can applyfor a visa or residence permit with a duration equal to the medical serviceperiod by providing medical documents issued by medical institutions in Hainan.
(二)居留Ⅱ Permanent Residence
1.High-leveltechnical and management personnel needed in key areas and industries inHainan, specialists in urgent need and members from sci-tech innovation teamscan apply for permanent residence permit with their spouse and underagechildren with recommondation from the human resource department of Hainan.
2.技术技能人员可按有关规定在海南申请居留。2.Technicalpersonnel can apply for a permanent residence permit in Hainan in accordancewith relevant regulations.
3.在海南工作具有博士研究生学历的外籍华人,或在海南连续工作满4年、每年实际居住累计不少于6个月的外籍华人,可申请居留,上述人员的外籍配偶和未成年子女可随同申请居留。3.OverseasChinese who have a doctoral degree and work in Hainan, or who have been workingcontinuously in Hainan for 4 years and have lived in Hainan for at least 6months each year, can apply for permanent residence, together with their spouseand underage children.
4.在海南投资创新型企业、连续3年投资稳定且纳税记录良好的外国人,经海南省人民政府推荐可申请居留。4.Foreigninvestors who currently invest in innovative enterprises in Hainan, have stableinvestment and performing tax records for 3 consecutive years can apply forpermanent residence with the recommendation from the People’s Government ofHainan Province.
5.在海南连续工作满4年、符合海南工资性年收入和年缴纳个人所得税标准条件的外国人,可申请居留。5. Foreignerswho have worked continuously in Hainan for 4 years, with annual salaries andpersonal income tax meeting local standards, can apply for permanent residence.